About Tom Giffard

Personal history

Tom grew up both in Penllergaer, Swansea and Ammanford, Carmarthenshire as his parents were separated. Graduating from Swansea University with a BA in History and Politics in 2013, Tom then continued to live in Swansea for a number of years before moving to Bridgend in 2016, where he lives.

Professional background

Tom, who is a second language Welsh speaker, has held various roles during his professional life, firstly becoming a Learning Support Assistant in a Welsh Language primary school. He then went on to complete his studies at Swansea University. Upon his graduation, he then went on to work as a Community Liaision Officer within his region of South Wales West before organising campaigns and working with volunteers in both Swansea and Bridgend. Prior to his election as a Member of the Senedd for South Wales West, Tom held the position of Office Manager for the Bridgend Member of Parliament.

Political history

Before his election to the Senedd in 2021, Tom was elected to the Brackla ward as a Bridgend County Borough Councillor in 2017, where he lead the Conservative Group on the Council up until his election to the Senedd in 2021.



Hanes personol

Magwyd Tom ym Mhenllergaer, Abertawe a Rhydaman, Sir Gaerfyrddin, gan fod ei rieni wedi gwahanu. Graddiodd Tom o Brifysgol Abertawe gyda BA mewn Hanes a Gwleidyddiaeth yn 2013, a parhaodd i fyw yn Abertawe am nifer o flynyddoedd cyn symud i Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr yn 2016, lle mae'n byw.

Cefndir proffesiynol

Mae Tom – sy'n siaradwr Cymraeg ail iaith – wedi cael amrywiaeth o rolau yn ystod ei fywyd proffesiynol. I ddechrau, daeth yn Gynorthwyydd Cymorth Dysgu mewn ysgol gynradd Gymraeg. Aeth yn ei flaen wedyn i gwblhau ei astudiaethau ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Ar ôl graddio, aeth i weithio fel Swyddog Cyswllt Cymunedol yn ei ranbarth, sef Gorllewin De Cymru, cyn trefnu ymgyrchoedd a gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr yn Abertawe a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Cyn ei ethol yn Aelod o’r Senedd dros Orllewin De Cymru, roedd Tom yn Rheolwr Swyddfa Aelod Seneddol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr.

Hanes gwleidyddol

Cyn cael ei ethol i'r Senedd yn 2021, etholwyd Tom i ward Brackla fel un o Gynghorwyr Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn 2017, lle wnaeth arwain y Grŵp Ceidwadol ar y Cyngor tan etholwyd i'r Senedd ym 2021


Becoming the Shadow Minister for Education and Welsh Language

I am delighted to have been asked by Andrew RT Davies to become the Shadow Minister for Education and Welsh Language.  As a former teaching assistant, I'm passionate about delivering for teachers, pupils and parents across Wales.  I can't wait to get started!